
In that funny lookin' car with the little blinkin’ lights



6 Years
Extra large

05-31-2018, 02:25 PM

That strong shiver that ran through his body when the breeze came off the ocean seemed to rumble in an echo, his muscles twitching haphazardly across his form while he finally succumbed to the desire to lean into her. He could feel himself saturating her own fur, but what body heat she had to offer to warm his own made it hard for him to feel bad during the present moment. It would only be after that he'd start to feel bad when he realized she'd be colder too.

He listened to her, unsure of what to say at first. She said she didn't want to pry, but truth be told.. he wanted to tell. He wanted to tell her that he was a broken man when she was born and that the horrors behind who he really was are still something he has trouble facing today. He was different now, though.. but he wanted to give her the chance to decide that for herself, just as with all of his children.. save for the Ancoras. For them, he didn't even want to interfere with their lives but Merit seemed persistent. Who was Elias to turn him away if he knew what he wanted?

She quickly changed the subject, not leaving him much room to respond anyway so he simply didn't. When she asked if he'd found others, he'd nod to her through his shivering and fall to the sands, intent on creating some body heat against the ground if he could. He wasn't so cold that he was at risk of hypothermia, but he was very uncomfortable when out of control of his shivering. "Yes, I've met Cloud and Derecho." He wrinkled his nose some before letting it fall flat again, "I've also met a grandchild from one of you, I believe. I am not sure where she came from."

Truth be told, he didn't know how any of them were fairing save for the grandchild, and he was reluctant to inform Tempest that she was currently a disobedient slave of his pack. He lifted his skull to look down the beach and flared his nostrils again at the scent of the buck. It pulled him from the chill of the water in his pelt and from thoughts of her siblings for the time being, though he looked to her for confirmation. "Am I interrupting a hunt?"

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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