
The Great Gig in the Sky



3 Years
Extra large
05-31-2018, 05:15 PM (This post was last modified: 05-31-2018, 05:51 PM by Miach.)

Titan awoke finally thanks to the cool breeze nipping at his skin beneath that thin coat. Fierce red eyes flashed open, and he could already hear his stomach growling at him. Just another reminder that he had been neglecting his needs in favor of training. The man considered looking to see if there was any food available for the pack, but the smell of others was getting stronger as days passed. He figured the pack was growing in numbers, and he couldn't recall any pack hunts lately. Surely, even if he went looking, he'd surely be disappointed. He shifted his weight as he considered a small hunt. With winter here, he wouldn't have much luck on his own, but it was worth a shot. Large paws helped lift his weight from the earth, he grunted as he adjusted to being on his feet after sleeping for so long. Brute ducked as he made his way through the entrance of the den, it was colder than he'd originally thought. The man couldn't help but shiver, hopefully, his coat would get a little thicker before winter was in full effect.

He made his way to the soulless forest, in search of any kind of small prey he might be able to get his hands on. Eyes narrowed and snout pressed to the ground as the man began his hunt. Titan was having more luck than he'd expect in catching a trail. The remains of a rabbits voyage were fresh in the dirt, its tracks leading him directly to the thing. He finally spotted its little tail poking through a bush, and Miach felt his mouth begin to water. He made his first mistake by jumping the gun to go after it. When he stepped forward before lunging after the creature, he crushed a fallen leaf, informing the rabbit of his whereabouts. It sent the thing running, and Miach came barreling after it. Of course, he was obviously not in the right mindset to be hunting, because when he dove through the bush after the rabbit the brambles caught his muzzle.

With his luck in the gutter and a new injury, Miach headed back to the Maw with his tail between his legs. He would need to hunt tonight, or ask for some assistance from another pack member. Something he wasn't too fond of doing, but it was necessary if he wanted to survive through the winter. Titan wasn't sure when his father would take them on a pack hunt. By the time he made his way back up after his failed attempts at hunting, it was afternoon. His father's call was heard loud and clear, as he had to be close. Perhaps he had plans for a hunt, it looked like the man's luck might be looking up. He hurried, after the call, until his father came into view. He bowed his head once he approached, out of respect, "Is there something going on?"

Walk, "Talk" Think