
[Nova] Im just feeding my appetite

Daemon I


3 Years
05-31-2018, 09:02 PM
He had no doubt that if he touched her just right or nipped the right spot, she would come undone and beg for more. He was waiting though. He could of forced her by now but he didn't see a need to. If a woman promised him something he knew they would deliver. Nova had promised herself to him, in return for his training. She would deliver in her own time.

She started in with what she knew and he listened to what she had been taught. When she looked back to him for his approval on what she knew he nodded. She had yet to be taught to track in snow though from what he gathered. "Spread your toes out when you move across the snow, use the webbing there to help you stay on top of it. Choose a path through the shallowest snow. When you chase the prey chase it into deep snow, let it do the work for you, the more tired the prey the easier it will be to dispatch. In the snow scents have less to stick to so you have to track carefully and fast but keep yourself from scaring every peice of prey around." He kept his tone light and nuetral, all gruffness disappearing as he took on a more matelike position with her.

When she was ready he gave a nod and stepped up behind her, nudging her without a care of the fact that he might touch her more sensually in doing so. In fact he almost relished in the fact that he could freely do this and cause her to want something else. But breakfast was the first priority. He was indicating for her to track the deer and take the lead. HE in the mean time might be enjoying the view of her backside.

Daemon is not a nice man, beware when threading with him. He is volatile and perverse, ladies(and maybe some men) beware. His opinions do not reflect his players at all, I love any and all characters.

As his brother and closest companion, Nabis has permission to enter any and all threads he is part of regardless of tags.