
The Great Gig in the Sky



7 Years
Athena I

05-31-2018, 09:11 PM

She couldn't remember exactly how long her pregnancy had been the first time around, but if the size of her stomach was any indication she was positive that these pups would be due any day now. At least that's what she hoped. Over the last couple of weeks she had become more and more den bound. There hadn't been any signs that there were complications of any kind, but from the examinations Daelos had done it seemed like this litter was going to be quite large. She didn't want to take any risks and it certainly wasn't all that comfortable to travel long distances any more.

However, when she heard Elias howl near by for the members of their pack to join him she began to pull herself to her paws none of the less. It was easy to see that Daelos wasn't thrilled and after she heard about the conversation Elias had with her she wasn't all that surprised. She nudged her daughter's shoulder with her nose, offering the girl a smile. "Go on, I'll be right behind you." She was sure that under the circumstances she wouldn't be required to attend this meeting, but she felt compelled to none of the less. After all, she was the Demon Mother, wasn't she? She felt like it was her responsibility.

She padded into the clearing, her eyes finding Elias easily. It was honestly the first time she had seen him more than briefly when she would wake up and find him sleeping near her in the middle of the night. She didn't know why he had been avoiding her so, but she couldn't dwell on that much right now. For now she focused on the wolves that had gathered so far. There was one male she hadn't met as of yet, but she was happy to see her son and Tana there already. The small healer's submissive stance made her increasingly curious about the Lamb's past. "It's good to see you again, Tana," she said softly as she passed the girl. She gave the gray-hued man a nod as her gaze shifted to him before she came to a stop and sat next to Miach and Daelos. Her dual-toned gaze settled on her absent mate once again now that she had found a place to rest, searching his face for any sign of what was going through his mind. She could tell he wasn't quite settled, but she wouldn't let herself worry about that until she could actually speak with him later.
