


07-07-2013, 03:10 PM
holy tits on a stick, thank you muse ♥

There was an undeniable bounce to her step, immaculately poised with a pretentious regalia befitting for one who possessed the prestigious title of ?queen? that she so desired, the confidence emanating from her very form almost tangible. Ever since she had claimed the life from her adversary?s being, her spirits had been dramatically heightened and any doubt that had plagued her mind in regards to her future endeavors had been obliterated ? however temporary or permanent her faith in herself was was yet to be seen. But for now, she could bask in victory?s limelight until it came time to challenge the current Tortugan imperial that had usurped Desdemona ? a feat obtained by another that affected the pallid wraith in the most positive of manners. With all of the recent events in occurrence, from the demise of a renegade to the downfall of an incompetent fool to the birth of future superiors, it was no wonder why the normally unpleasant viper had retained utter bliss that shone upon her countenance in the form of an elongated grin.

Serpentine limbs propelled the effeminate babe leisurely down the sloping hillside littered with minuscule pools of water that were likely to expand with the impending storm, plush tendril lashing behind her rump as she navigated the hill cautiously to avoid stepping in the liquid. As her dainty paws hit level ground, she pivoted in the direction of the largest pool in the area, approaching it in due time and halting near the water?s edge, allowing the digits upon her forepaws to tentatively test the temperature of the water before her petite body plummeted into it. She paddled to the center of the pond, the entire lower half of her form submerged within the clear depths. A longing sigh vacated her unhinged jaws as she succumbed to the placidness of soaking, lids falling to obscure her metallic depths from view as thunder rattled in the distance, announcing the promise of rainfall to the eastern region of the island.
