
Tell me, what is good? And what is bad?



6 Years
06-02-2018, 12:15 PM (This post was last modified: 06-02-2018, 12:19 PM by Iskra.)
There was a certain impatience to the way she moved, though... maybe impatience wasn't the right word. Iskra had the look of someone who had things burdening her, eating away at her mind and begging to be paid attention to while she either refused or was unable to attend to them. At this point the celestial woman would be hard pressed to try and pin down what her issue really was. An irritable growl rumbled in her chest as she strode among the giant trees. Was she really so ashamed of her lack of tangible results from her journey that she couldn't go back to Boreas? No, that wasn't it, it was something she had a far more difficult time putting into words.

Fear, in essence, kept the rose-hued woman from going to seek out her mate. What if he was disappointed that she'd not done anything worthwhile? What if he didn't even miss her now? Worse than that, what if she wasn't deserving of his loyalty through her absence? There was more, so much more roiling beneath the surface but digging through her own mental garbage was harder than it might seem. So, being the wandering type, Iskra did just that.

She strode through the foliage, caring not that she was being quite loud as she traveled. If you aren't looking to hunt stealth is suddenly optional. The big trees above her sort of resembled the giant red trees she found in the north. Well, they were an entirely different type of tree, but the heights were somewhat comparable. A bitter laugh almost crossed her lips as she padded through the hot forest and thought that maybe a distraction might just present itself to her; why bother hoping, didn't that always magically happen when she felt like this? What she should hope for was the courage to grow up and go to Boreas. But... she'd need to not be such a coward for that to work.