



9 Years
Extra large
06-02-2018, 06:58 PM

Frost was calm, keeping his casual face as he watched the younger male pace. Since the promotion of his rank Frost had been on a kick to get him out of his comfort zone and really test to see if this was something he wanted to continue. He knew Torin was more soft spoken, and most of the time didn't speak much at all. That could be a problem when he was seeking to be a leader. He could have let him slid, to let him simply sit at his side while Frost himself called the pack. He was teaching Torin just like he would if he had kids. Coaxing him to face his fears and being extremely patient with letting him compose himself. He could see the struggle Torin was having which made him feel more sympathetic to him. He had no problem letting Torin take the time he needed to gather his courage. Frost hoped his ambitions would overpower his fear and anxiety.

Frost knew Torin could do it and he knew that they had to nip this in the butt as soon as possible, holding off could make it a longer and rougher process in the end. When Torin looked to him Frost gave him an encouraging smile still remaining relaxed where he sat. He could imagine how hard it was for the young male and part of him felt horrible for putting him through this, but Frost had to for Torin's sake. With Torin's nod, Frost knew he was ready and gently let out the small breath he had been holding. Tail wagged lightly glad that Torin was going to be able to do this. Torin this settled and called the pack.

He smiled again his senses remaining alert as he waited for the pack to arrive. There was decent amount to go over today, good news and bad. It felt good that an Adravendi was holding the meeting again, that one of the siblings was willing to step up in Rory's absence.

"Talk" | 'Think'

Art by Antubis0