
Taste the torture as you crawl begging for more


06-04-2018, 10:28 PM
The female frowned as she watched her brother, heard the concern in his voice. The female lowered her gaze, furrowing her brow. “I… I think it’s because he was raised different. I mean… It’s not like mom is around to teach me to hunt, fight, or how to be a good mate or anything!” Nova found herself shaking at the mention of their mother. It was no secret that Marina’s actions, up to and including her leaving, had hurt the girl deeply. She loved her mother dearly, and to see her gone now… made Nova not only feel hurt but bitter as well.

“S-so… I figured what would it hurt to give him a shot? He’s bound to know more than me.” Nova closed her eyes. “He cares for me, Chasm… he does. His ways are different from ours, but if he wanted to hurt me he’d have had plenty of opportunity by now.” The female whimpered, feeling the not-real feeling washing over her in a fresh wave. She pressed back into her brother, letting out a soft whimper.

“I miss how things used to be…” The girl whispered into the darker fur of her half brother. “...I wanna go back to those days… when we were little… and whole…”