
Fake It If You Don't Belong



8 Years
Chrono I
06-05-2018, 09:01 AM

OOC: Liquid timing to where the pups are old enough to come out of the den

She was hoping the heat would start to die down soon. Birthing in this was even worse than just sitting, so perhaps she was glad that was over and done with. It wasn't easy carrying the heathens as the temperatures grew and she wished there were a way for her to plan differently. Her heat season was autumn so there wasn't much of a choice at least down on the southern continent.

She arose from her den as it was particularly her duty to care for the children while Kaine started his own duties again. Even though he was much more suited for taking care of them, Agria insisted that she stay and actually do some mothering stuff. Kaine was always eager to return, and sometimes even too early and not fully completing his duty of scouting for the day. The longer he was out, the more chance he had to meet with an outsider or to find a new discovery. But he was so excited to come home and see the little brats that he wasn't gone too long.

As she started to exit the den, her two tiny sons would come between her paws and she would just continue forward as if they weren't even there, but also as if she were used to them catching and tripping her. Remembering Malleus' words, she would see her sons as prodigies and would take care to keep them well and healthy. But sadly, this meant she didn't see them as her own blood nor did she truly care for them in a way a mother should. That was what Kaine was for, luckily.

She sat a few feet from the den, the children scurrying away from her rump only to return onto each side of her, both sitting themselves and looking up at her and back out in the bushes and vines to see what she would do next.

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