
Fake It If You Don't Belong



5 Years
06-05-2018, 07:52 PM (This post was last modified: 06-05-2018, 07:53 PM by Serene.)
Serene Validis

Serene was still getting use to the weather, let alone the new territory, and on top of that there was trying to learn how to be in a pack and who exactly were her friends and who were foes. It was a lot to learn in such a short amount of time, but Malleus promised he would help teach her and the fawn woman believed him. Why wouldn't she? Since the very beginning Alpha Malleus had done nothing but be truthful to her, and kind, and very generous in the most recent events. But she was still too eager to learn, to anxious to wait around for him to return from his Alpha duties, attending to more important matters than babysitting silly little Serene. So she had decided to venture out on her own, being sure to stay within what boundaries she could identify. She would expand in a circular motion, trying to understand how the territory moved and what landmarks she could use to find her way back home.

This area was tricky, much like the mangrove she had grown up next to; the vines in this place were thick and ever so devouring, taunting Serene with the challenge of finding her way around. It was certainly different from her home in the Weeping Wood. Which had her thoughts traveling back to Branch Wreckage, who had taken up residents in her homeland, with the intentions of creating a pack. He was very nice to Serene, and she considered him a close friend of hers. Did joining this pack mean she couldn't go see him anymore? Surely that wouldn't be the case. Branch was a collector of rare and exclusive herbs, if anything, she could visit him on a business trip for sure. Tangled up in her thoughts, Serene didn't realize she was on the edge of someone's home until she finally looked up to see a stunningly beautiful rose woman, sitting before her den, with two adorable pups beside her. Immediately, Serene back away, completely embarrassed by her actions. "Oh, my apologies ma'am. I didn't mean to intrude."
