
Fake It If You Don't Belong



8 Years
Chrono I
06-05-2018, 08:54 PM

The two pups would cower and fall closer to their mother as a strange woman came out from the brush, but Agria herself would just easily turn towards her without a worry in the world, "Oh, please, no intrusion here." She spoke with a nearly wicked grin which just happened to be her usual. "We all live here so I don't expect much privacy."

She could sense the girl was a newer addition and also not an Abraxas. The scent of Malleus mainly on her than the pack yet, so she wouldn't go to be alarmed or anything. But she did happen to remember Kaine telling her the purpose of women from out of the family. It was mainly to reproduce and set in the new line of Abraxas, or so she understood. Luckily she took a liking to Kaine before anyone else could snatch her up, snatching not so much in the nicest way. But if the woman didn't know, Agria wouldn't press it. It wasn't her duty to tell faes of potential danger nor did she care. She'd find out or find someone worth caring for like Agria to Kaine.

Agria would push her brown hued son towards the woman, if anything to get him away from herself. Besides, most ladies liked puppies right? Agria didn't, not even her own. Meph would hesitate at first to the stranger but Kefka would follow quickly after making the two a strong pair. They approached to sniff the woman with a quick wag of their tails before turning back to their mother. They were barely learning to speak so it was best not to go farther than here. The only issue Agria could possibly have is this woman taking one of them between her teeth and running off with them. Though she wouldn't really care other than the fact that it would crush Kaine's heart.

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