
It Hides in Darkness



5 Years
06-07-2018, 12:10 PM

Solana had managed to get herself all turned around and somehow had ended up back in the thrice damned northern part of the continent. How anyone could figure out their way around when the landscape was dotted with similar looking forests and fields she had no fucking clue. All she knew was that when she found herself trudging through the snow again she had was in for a lot of swearing and desperately trying to get back to where she'd come from, not that she could tell one tree from the next.

But she'd have taken the forest right now over wherever she was now, at least the trees gave shelter from the cold wind, her sagging, skin thin coat did nothing to keep her warm and some part of the woman wondered if she was just going to die out here. That'd be fitting, an outcast of the only place she'd ever belonged; disowned from her family and who knows how far away from the only person she'd ever given a single shit about- what more fitting punishment could she get for having betrayed her only friend... the only wolf she'd ever loved.

The stubborn part of her, the part of her that had made her cling to life even as a pup abandoned in one of the most hostile places on the face of the whole fucked up planet, kept her marching ever forwards, her head ducked and shoulders hunched to try and combat the wind; it kept her scanning for any shelter she could find.

Finally she spotted an opening in a the mountain that rose up along the horizon. With a sigh of relief the woman picked up her pace, trotting towards the rock formation. Maybe it was the unfamiliar scent of the snow and the moisture hanging on the air or maybe she was just so out of it right now that she didn't notice the male lounging in the mouth of the cave until she was only a few feet from him.

Solana stopped short, passing her gaze over his form, unsure. She wasn't in any particular mood to be particularly social right now and but she also knew she needed to get out of the wind and the open.

"Talk" Think

Art by Takahiroreta