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5 Years
Extra large
06-07-2018, 10:57 PM
What a fool she'd been to think announcing the little fuzzballs release from the confines of the den ahead of time was a good idea! All night she could practically feel Seiran vibrating with excitement. Chipper as Shilah seemed to be, he at least was capable of sleeping when he was supposed to in stark contrast with his wild sister who seemed bent on greying Razi's muzzle early.

At first she'd thought she might have a hope in hell of sleeping till a reasonable hour. She ought to learn not to bother hoping for such things with such exciteable pups bouncing around. They were lucky she loved them dearly, especially when Razi found herself jolted awake by the shrill whining of her daughter. For a bit she'd considered making the kids wait another hour simply because Seiran was so pushy, however her resolve weakened as soon as the little voice reached an incredible pitch as the girl begged and begged to be let out. At last she'd huffed a sleepy, "Okay, okay, we can go now but," aaaand Seiran was already gone. Time to rise and shine, then.

Hopping to her paws, Razi waited only long enough to let a tired yawn fill the den she was now standing in alone after Shilah went tearing after his sister. Right on their heels, she exited the den into the canyon, squinting in the blazing light of dawn. Good heavens, it was disturbingly early to be out. "Stick close kids, I don't want you running off where I can't see you yet, alright?" she said, eyeing the two blue-eyed pups with a stern expression. The effect was perhaps a bit lessened by the slight upward turning at the corners of her mouth as she watched the tiny children take in this new world around them.

The canyon was so bright on this side in the morning, ideal for sunbathing early but not so much for seeing when you'd just woken up. Light hadn't crept too far across the floor of the canyon yet, still leaving wide swaths of shadow between the little family and the river that flowed lazily along a ways off. If the kids had been born in a different season she'd have worried about them falling in there, but as it was the water was quite low in the near-drought so she felt a little better about it. Prancing out across the rust-colored ground, she grinned and asked, "Well, are we ready to do some wandering and get acquainted with more of your home?"
[Image: r4X4w1S.png?1]