
Fake It If You Don't Belong



5 Years
06-09-2018, 08:28 AM
Serene Validis

She was surprised that the mother wasn't angry with her, nor did she seem in the slightest bit worried that a stranger was so close to her young. When Serene's amber gaze settled on the tiny puffs of fur, her heart nearly jumped straight out of her chest. As if their mother wasn't stunning enough with her magenta hues and delicate markings, the pups that cowered behind her were breath taking. One who resembled much of his mother's design, and the other, she could only assume would take after the sire figure. Realizing she had been staring, with a rather alarming, longing look on her face, the fawn woman quickly tore her gaze from the young and back to their mother. "I'm still trying to figure out this place, where everyone lives, where to go, that sort of thing..." her words faded as she watched the mother nudge her young away from her, and towards Serene. It was strange, she thought, that a woman would be so trusting to a stranger, but maybe that was the standard in a pack.

The blonde female stood still as the tiny creatures came to approach her, the smile on her face beginning to grow once more. The two were a precious pair, one following after the other, coming with such innocent expressions. "Hello little ones," she would coo, looking up to their mother for permission before she would lean her head down to their level, her tail swaying softly behind her as her body was enveloped with joy. "My name is Serene, and who might you be?" She didn't know if they could speak or not, so she would lift her gaze back to their mother, wondering if she would be willing to answer for them. Seeing these young souls reminded Serene of how she got here in the first place, and how she would soon have to find a male to please the Gods. They were growing more and more impatient with her, as was the obvious sign when they pushed Daemon into her path. But thankfully, they seemed to have given her more time to find the right mate, as she settles into this new home. But her season was coming soon, and she didn't know anyone besides Malleus, this woman, and her lovely sons.
