
Thick skin and an elastic heart



10 Years
Athena I
06-09-2018, 01:06 PM

"Come with me." The statement was so unexpected and so direct that Baine really didn't know how to react. She sat in stunned silence for a moment at the very idea of just leaving with him. For all she knew he could be leading her off to her death. Or he could be offering her an one way ticket to somewhere she could figure out herself and where she fit in this world. For a moment she thought of Regulus and the rest of her siblings and how they would feel if she suddenly disappeared... her ears flicked back against her skull at the thought. But at the same time... she barely saw any of them as it was. She only saw them in passing and it felt like none of them really ever came seeking her out except for the rare times that Regulus would give her some kind of task.

Her ears stood upright again and her gaze pulled back up from the ground to rest on his again. Something inside of her was insisting that this was the right move even though it logically made no sense. The thought that she could always just turn around and go back to Celestial if it didn't work out was comforting even though something told her that this wouldn't be something she could turn back from. At least not easily. She slowly stood with a small nod, pulling her shoulders back to make herself feel like she was standing taller and more confidently. "Okay. Lead the way." She followed his path away from the desert, away from the west, away from everything she knew. Nervous anxiety settled in the pit of her stomach, but there was some excitement there too. All she could hope was that this wasn't a terrible mistake.

"Talk" "You" Think