
I'd Rather Be Faceless And Ignored

Vale I

The Shepherd

3 Years
06-09-2018, 03:31 PM

Since Elias had assigned Vale to the lambs, he'd taken up a den near them. It seemed important that he stay close, in order to properly keep an eye on the group. With winter now making itself known, the cool breeze threatened at his coat. Luckily, his coat was thick enough to keep him protected from the chill in the air. The man emerged from the den, his muzzle held high. Nose twitched as the wind picked up, no new scents, but something didn't seem right. Instead of looking to the lambs' den, he decided to make his rounds.

Beast was glad that he did, as he came to the cliffside, he saw her. One of the lambs obviously trying to explore. It seemed the snow wasn't something she was quite used to as she had slipped and tumbled down. Vale wasn't quite ready to ruin the young girls fun, even if she was breaking the rules. In fact, the man was curious to see where she was planning on going next. Golden orbs narrowed as he used his large paws for a better grip on his way down the side. Thankful for his anatomy as it made his journey down the rough terrain that much easier.

Vale kept his distance for some time as she moved through the maw, it seemed like harmless exploring, but still, the lambs weren't allowed these kinds of freedoms. It was about time he put this one in her place, their discipline was in his job description after all. His voice loud enough, there was no need to get any closer than he already was. "Excuse me, I'm pretty sure this area is restricted to you, lamb." He kept a calm tone but was ready to get violent if it was necessary. This new job assignment allowed for Vale to learn to control himself. He wasn't allowed to hurt these lambs, and while it had been hard, the beast had managed to keep his demons at bay. Elias was right to place him in this temporary role, and he'd taken his advice of the Apollyon, learning to run with his demons and use their demands to his advantage. Now was the time to put his hard work to the test.


Disclaimer: Vale is unpredictable and could have violent outbursts.