
I found



7 Years
Extra large
06-09-2018, 04:16 PM (This post was last modified: 09-05-2020, 11:03 PM by Torin.)

Her own happy demeanor helped to sooth him, it brought his own spirits up somewhat. His tail twitching slightly in response to her own tail wagging. She confirmed he wasn't interrupting anything and he nodded, his lips twitching into a smile again. He was glad.

She spoke of her uncle and Torin couldn't help but chuckle lightly. He had nothing but respect for the older man, he had done more than anyone should have ever asked him for after Rory had disappeared but Torin could also understand her feelings; since Stardust had gone missing he seemed lonelier than before. Torin had already spent much time following him around and learning so when that time increase it hadn't been quite so noticeable; he also had Jewell and her children he spent much of his time with so he didn't feel like Frostbite was the only one monopolizing on his time, but he could imagine that for the girl suddenly thrown into contact with her uncle it might be... a bit much.

"Well I'd be happy to provide that alternative if you'd have me." He spoke, his deep baritone smooth with a charm he didn't often muster. He gestured to the stream edge near where she'd dropped her kill with his muzzle. A clear invitation to settle on the banks of the water. "How are you settling in?" He asked. Torin hoped she was at least finding the pack life agreeable; he hadn't thought the pack hostile before but his father had proved him wrong and he meant to stand by what he'd said there. He wouldn't stand for anyone needlessly antagonizing anyone else.

He moved to sit beside the stream side, watching her the whole while. Some part of his mind was carefully reminding himself that in the end he couldn't commit to much to trying to making sure everything perfect for her; she was likely going to be returning to her proper home some time in the future.

That brought a sort of melancholy to his heart, which he knew was dumb. It was the way of his world, every stranger he'd ever connected with left eventually. At least this time he was aware it was going to happen; he'd have time to prepare to try and deal with the hole her leaving would leave in him.

"Silent Treatment" & Deep thoughts

Image by Hagon
Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3