
Stranger Danger

Vale I

The Shepherd

3 Years
06-09-2018, 10:24 PM

The foreign language she spoke was strange to hear, and it actually threw him off. He watched her movement still as she explained herself, even introducing herself. Vale was able to put a name to the beauty's face, Terra. The brute was then visibly more relaxed, as her explanation seemed genuine. There was nothing to worry about, this was someone who wanted to join their ranks. "Vale, Dommiel." His stomach growled, it was time to eat again, and perhaps he even had a hunting partner. "I'm sure we can talk more about the pack, and you might even get some answers you were looking for, but I was headed out for a hunt. If you'd like to join me, I'm sure it'd earn you some points with the Apollyon."

He'd never been this friendly before, but his new assignment from Elias helped teach him a little self-control. Besides, something about this female was different. He surely did not mind the company, still, if the woman didn't want to join him he would leave without her. Brute stepped forward, moving past Terra and towards Ruina's border. The faster they got into the hunt, the sooner they'd be able to eat. He'd lead her down the side of Mount Volkan, hoping to lead them to either Traveler's Pitfall or Soulless Forest, wherever he could pick up a trail. He figured he'd be the lead on this hunt, based on her appearance, this one didn't seem like much of a hunter. Besides, the only other wolf he'd ever hunted with was Elias, he wasn't quite used to hunting with any other partner especially a woman. Eyes scanned their surroundings, nose to the ground as he looked to pick up any scent.

Instead of a scent, he picked up on something better, tracks from an animal and definitely not a small one. Whatever it was he'd caught the tracks of was big, big enough to leave leftovers for the pack. Sadly enough, as he followed the trail a bit further, it was too worn to continue following. It wasn't fresh enough to pick up a good scent. The next creature he'd come across was smaller, a hare dashing into the soulless forest, taking cover in the fallen snow and bushes. He knew he wouldn't be fast enough to follow the small thing, and it definitely wasn't big enough to satiate his hunger. He was about ready to give up when he heard movement in the forest. He looked behind him, a smirk played at his maw, the signal that he'd finally found something that might be doable. Vale lowered himself to the ground, in attempts to keep himself hidden.

They soon approached a small herd of Whitetail Deer, which was common to see with their kind. They were more of the familial type, this one seemed very weak. There was a pregnant doe as well as one that was not pregnant, on either side of them were two males, definitely there for protection. It would hard to get them separated from these males, but the pregnant female was definitely the target Vale was after. She'd make for a perfect hunt, and there would likely be some left over to feed at least one other member of the pack. He motioned towards the males, in an attempt to let her know their goal was to get the males out of the way. Vale would wait for Terra's acknowledgment before he jumped into action, but he was sure to keep moving so they didn't lose the herd.


Disclaimer: Vale is unpredictable and could have violent outbursts.