
When I close my eyes to this paradox place



07-07-2013, 04:28 PM

Loccian was very nervous, extremely. What was she suppose to do? Bane wanted to catch the deer but she barely had any hunting skills, it was the main reason she became a medic in the first place. She couldn't find herself to tell him this though, didn't want to look like an idiot, and definitely didn't want him to try taking on the animal by himself. She would need to suck it up and do something to make it look like she knew what she was doing, while trying to keep herself from getting injured of course.

Does it have to see us coming? No. I'm going to catch that deer and your welcome to come along. I could use the help. Just stay along the shoreline and scare it towards me. Ears twitched at his voice, gulping as she imagined what would happen. She could see him getting close, then the moment she tried driving the beast to him it would turn instead and charge at her. Or she would manage to make it go in a different direction. Both seemed very possible.

He gave Loccian an assuring smile but all she could do was force a smile. She was scared. He soon motioned her to follow him, and with reluctant step she followed behind him. Like he said though she stayed on the shore, body low to the ground, creeping forward while the male made his way into the grass to get around the deer.

Carefully she moved forward, stopping when the animal would lift its head, then moving on when it looked away or went back to drinking. She made sure to keep her body balanced, placing her paws in the right spot that would make the least noise possible. Within moments she was within the perfect distance, grey orbs looking for Bane in the grasses, waiting for a signal. Sure enough there it was, sending the shewolf to jump up and lunge at the deer to try and spook it into his direction.


Awesome table by Andy <3