



5 Years
06-10-2018, 04:30 PM
Serene Validis

The fawn fae was making herself at home in the pack lands. For several days she didn't know where to sleep or to make a new den, but finally she found the perfect location. A wall of vines acted as the doorway to her den; a swollen home dug out of the dirt, where a roomy bed covered with plush vegetation cradled her head at night, and where she currently worked on carving out shelves along the walls for her to eventually fill with delicious smelling herbs and flowers. It would take time, but one day she hoped to have her shelves filled, pelts of prey on the ground, and a blush garden outside to tend to. But that would take time, so for now she simply cut out the lining of her new shelves so she could fill them. It had been such a long time since she had the drive to make a decent den; the past few months have been spent in overnight holes, just somewhere safe to rest her head. But now she had a new home, a place she would spend not just days, but months in. So she was taking the time to make it nice.

While her body worked, her mind wondered, and eventually she was thinking about her situation once more. She had been driven to meet Malleus for a reason, what that reason was she wasn't sure. But then the Gods gave her a rather threatening sign, in the form of Daemon, which drove her back to the silver male once more. They Spirits wanted something from the fawn woman, and now she was pretty sure what they wanted her to do. Pups. After running into the magenta mother and her sons, the feeling of overwhelming joy upon seeing the young, it became clear that Serene was ready for this as well. But what troubled her still, was who would sire them. She wasn't a very romantic female, nor was she particularly knowledgeable about the subject either. Flirting was out of the question. Plus she hardly knew anyone, let alone available males. But the Gods commanded offspring, and her own body would begin to demand them as well soon enough. If she didn't find a mate soon, she feared the Spirits would have the beastly male hunt her down... and that was not an option.

Despite these heavy thoughts, Serene managed to stay positive, wondering what her pups would be like. They would be important if the Gods truly wanted her to bare them so soon, and she dreamed about what great deeds they would accomplish. Would they becoming powerful leaders? Would they transform into tools of the Spirits? Would they be happy? Her eyes seemed to cloud over as she dreamed about what they would look like, how many there would be, what their personalities would be. Such joyous thoughts spread through her body, that she began to hum a delicate tune her mother use to sing when she was cleaning. Her mother, who raised a single pup all on her own, was ever so joyous. Never a day she didn't glow with happiness. Serene wondered if that was what motherhood did to a female. That bringing life into this world would reward them with eternal bliss. Perhaps, someday soon, she would find her forever mate and get a glimpse of that life.
