
Paths Meant to Cross



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-07-2013, 04:32 PM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2013, 04:43 PM by Erani.)

Erani swept the earth behind her with her tail as her friendly greeting was returned by the elder female. A smile pulled at her muzzle as she took in the voice of the female. It had wisdom in it, and Erani liked the gentle gruffness to it. It reminded her of the Elders in Redwood pack, and their cracked voices as they told stories. Erani had soaked up the old stories and the new ones, and could remember every word they had said. The story of the Two Brothers was a favorite.

The Glaciem female raised her head with a chuckle and eased the stiffness in her neck with a light pop, then addressed the pale healer, her words bringing another smile to Erani?s muzzle. She returned the searching gaze with that smile, wondering what the female was thinking, before the older female spoke again, and Erani?s ears perked forward at the name. So this was Crusade. Asheni had told her so much about this female. And Erani?s perceptive instinct told her all of it was true. She liked the old Chief of Glaciem already, and was even more glad that a war hadn?t been pursued with these kind wolves.

Erani gave a happy wag of her tail. ?I?ve heard a lot about you. I was four when I joined Valhalla, though, it was Starlite then. While some wolves told stories about you as being an enemy, I never believed them. There is always someone that tells false tales about a pack their own is at war with. I?m glad Cairo let go of his anger toward you. It?s what makes him so great. I?ve been glad to have him as a good friend and as a Leader. And I?m honored to have met you at last. Asheni has told me so many good things about you that I?ve been wanting to meet you.?

Erani smiled at Crusade, and the happiness when she said Asheni?s name said that she didn?t know of the small black and white Glaciem healer?s death.