
I Think I Need Help



4 Years
Extra large
06-12-2018, 09:34 AM (This post was last modified: 06-12-2018, 07:13 PM by Branch.)

There wasn’t much he could do now. His three storage dens were nearly completely keyed, but frozen ground was to difficult to work with making him have to wait till spring to do anymore work. Serene had left for another adventure, this time a lot longer then the last and he feared his friend didn’t have plans to return. It was a kick in the ribs to him, but he knew he couldn’t give up on his plans, on his dreams. There was a lot of others wolves out there to befriend, plenty of opportunity yet to form bonds that would be willing to stick with him and help him lay the foundation to his pack. Though Serene had been special, he went out of his way for her and now she was gone. Hopefully thier meeting had been for something.

Today the male carried his satchel, full of herbs and trinkets. It was a mild day and he was hopping to maybe do some trading, if he managed to find anyone out and about. He had considered going to packs, but he feared that they would have no time for him since he was a loner. So he was looking for fellow loners or any wolves who would be willing to give him the time. Plus he could hopefully get some interaction to help ease his loneliness. He traveled from his home early in the morning, heading in a direction that hadn’t been planned, flying by the seat of his pants. It was how most of the original family worked and it was how they found some of the best things in thier lives.

Upon reaching the gulley he had found nothing in particular, but as he went further into the territory he had found a smaller figure far up ahead. He smiled, his tail unable to help itself in wagging as he realized he may have a chance to socialize. From far away he let out a bark, deep toned, to let her know of his presence. He then continued to approach until he was a few yards away. He gave her space in case she didn’t feel like being social or felt at all threatened. His tail still wagging to show he was friendly and didn’t mean any harm.

”Hello!” he greeted.

"Talk." & 'Think.'