
war child [leviathan]



3 Years
06-12-2018, 06:38 PM

The odd jolt of his head as she spoke only made the warm feeling in her chest bloom further. This was great! Being able to do that to his face? Worth every drop of blood drawn between them over the years. A soft, "Oh." was punched from his lungs. Yeah. It was quite the bomb to drop. She had reacted much the same, and could imagine he would have mocked her for it just as she did him. "If what you say is true, then what about Gabriel and Uriel and the rest of them? I don't trust them the slightest next to Abba." He seemed hesitant, wary. Fair enough.

A heavy shrug. She shook some of the snow from her head. "Seems like he was threatening them too, and that was half the reason our father snapped." she drawled, ignoring the pang in her chest. They hadn't been enough- he'd needed to fear for his cursed siblings, and his new kids. She joined her brother in staring solemnly at the horizon. It was better than eye contact, in a moment like this. "I mean, they must be mad at Samael. And we all know what that means for us." Again, she would offer a shrug. "Dunno." The bitch grunted. " 's not like I hang out with them." In fact, she did her best to avoid them as much as possible. After all they'd done? The fuckers were lucky she didn't tear their limbs off one by one.

"Oh... I didn't know..." Now that was a new tone. One she hadn't heard in years. Not since their mother had been slaughtered. She glanced over at him, finally. He looked like all the air had been beaten from his lungs. Were those tears in his eyes? No, it had to be a trick of the light.

"I, uh. I would have liked to do it myself, you know?" he said, voice gruff. Now there was something they could both agree on. The wraith had been choked that she hadn't been given the honour of splaying his guts onto the grass, of watching the light fade from his eyes. She wanted to piss between his ribs and fill his empty lungs with soil. She deserved it damn it! "After what he did to mom, that's just all I've thought about." They both deserved it. Pulling her focus from her macabre train of thought, she looked back to Leviathan's ebony marked features. "You and me both, brother mine." She sighed, shaking her head.

Walk "Talk" Think


Sathanus is an asshole with no morals who loves getting into fights. Plz know that Denny loves you and Sath's acts are nothing against you (the player) <3