
You can call me...(Daughter)


06-13-2018, 10:02 PM
Large feet carried the behemoth forwards as he ascended closer towards where he had scented the large hooved animal, his nostrils flaring in an instant; It turned out that Blackbird had an impeccable skill at tracking things as long as they weren't old scents. His steps soon changed tempo setting him at an even run, not over working himself as he knew the animal would halt at the sight of the lake, unless it was desperate. As he neared the edge of the forest his nose caught the scent of another /Who is this?/ He thought silently to himself, he knew he'd gladly fight another for a kill.

Blackbird wasn't sure how this situation would exactly play out, but he knew that either they'd try to help, or get angry towards him. His black peppered pelt didn't blend with the surroundings he had found himself in at all, thus sneaking would be useless. By the time he had arrived at the lake ahead of him he spotted the other being, a female by the looks of her stature. Hearing the canine call out asking for an acknowledgement of his presence, he came to a halt before walking towards the canine. Step by slow step he grew closer to the unknown wolf, he wasn't sure of her intentions so he remained on guard. Hello, who might you be? I've been tracking this specific Elk for days, he dumber than the rest of the herd. The male was brash, harboring a cold, judgemental exterior. He wasn't one for sucking up to anyone, nor would he try to be kind to those he didn't know. Why should he? In all reality, the male was broken. He was tired of being lonely, he yearned to have children to guide, but he didn't have interest in relationships. Perhaps it was his fault he had never settled down, being too concerned with his placement in groups and such. His ears flicked nervously, he wanted to know how this canine would react.