
Nice Guys Always Lose



6 Years
06-14-2018, 02:29 PM

Don't cry like a bitch
When you feel the pain


Levi was able to pull himself out of the grip, major tears showing themselves in blood behind his left ear and also the side of his throat area. Kata would rear, which was a bad move on his part as he exposed his chest and underbelly. Levi wouldn't think twice before going straight forward to aim a bite to the bottom right of Kata's rib cage, nearly the center of his entire body. Levi's head and front half of his body were slightly twisted to the right in order to achieve such a hold (His bottom jaw would be on Kata's belly area and pushing up and around the ribcage while his top teeth would be hitting the outside of Kata's ribcage, This is kind of a hard angle to explain xD). Kata was now on top of Levi, his chest connected to Levi's right shoulder with his paws draped over his withers. He favored the opposite side of Kata's body now since when he reared, Levi fell to the right side since he was initially trying to grab Kata's right paw with his own left one. He did however think twice whether or not to attack his genitals, that may have been too much of a punishment, but it was certainly a surprise that Levi would actually think and concern his actions against the male.

His ears tucked as he moved his face forward, his eyes remained narrowed, and now his tail tucked so it wouldn't be exposed or easy to grab. His legs were spread evenly and bent as he was trying to push his back against Kata so he wouldn't be defenseless under his weight and fall. Levi's right paw was raised slightly due to being at the twisting angle. All other paws dug into the soil to keep traction and not be able to be pushed so easily.

Walk "Talk" Think

Leviathan vs Kataramenos for (Crippling of front left paw)

Round:1 |  2 | 3
Height: 36"
Build: Heavy


!Rated R! For Language and Sexual themes. Prone to Violence.

Those who can crash his threads: Mammon
Those who can powerplay him: Mammon

(Lee-vie-ah-thane Morning-star)

Alignment: Neutral Evil
Season: Spring
Status: Mated (Mammon), open for sex but not love
Size: 36 inches | Heavy

Important Details:

Plotting Thread