
loaded gun complex [argus]



5 Years
Extra large
06-14-2018, 11:44 PM
Softly, Argus shook her head, reassuring the larger wolf that her feelings hadn't been hurt. A blessing from on high, surely. Divo was not necessarily known for being the most sympathetic of characters. "Its okay, I'm used to it honest. When your born both boy and girl, plus the runt that's also blind, you kind of get used to these things pretty quickly. Not everyone remembers or understands that my world is alot smaller than everyone else's. I only know how the world looks by touch and smell." the smaller girl quickly explained, as though Divo needed some form of justification. It sounded as though Argus had lived a rather rough life, and part of the young shaman wished there was something she could do to make things better, even if just for the day.

"It didn't hurt any to get a few bumps on the noggin along the way either. Helped me learn that trees don't exactly move for me." The bell-like laughter that erupted from between Argus' jaws was unexpected, but decidedly pleasant. It prompted a smile to rise to those rosen lips, entirely unbidden. Luckily, the smaller girl couldn't see how much of a dork Divo was right now.

Of course, something finally occurred to her. A question that needed to be asked, regardless of its rudeness. "You were born.. both.. boy and girl? That's possible?" the champagne wolf questioned hesitantly, crown tipping to one side. She had never heard of that before. Was it bad? "Is that why you smell.." Not right were the first words that came to mind, but they were definitely insensitive. Da would definitely appear from the aether to beat her into the ground if she said that to Argus. "different?" Yeah, that was much better. Less.. asshole-y.

walk "Talk" think

Table by Asena
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