
End of Time Delusion [Alpha]



8 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterDouble MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
06-16-2018, 03:25 PM
Then they went on to say the pearly gates

Brandr felt his chest and throat tighten as he waited. Emotions that he'd held in check bubbled up his throat and held there, burning him. How could he feel so hot when the land was in the throes of winter, when snow was falling all around him in large, beautiful flakes. Brandr breathed in sharply through is nose, pushing the emotions backd own into his gut where he could better hold them. He was on a mission. He had to complete his mission. He could worrky about the aftermath of his decisions later.

To his surprise it was not Regulus that called but a pale, strange looking yearling. He felt his stomach tense just a bit. Had something happened to Regulus? She introduced herself as Aurielle, Regulus' daughter, and explained that he was away. He nodded. "Yes, I'm Brandr Scylding. It's a pleasure to meet you Aurielle. I'm afraid I'm here to deliver some bad news. Abaven has been invaded by the Abraxas. It's a new tactic we haven't seen them use before. One named Malleus approached our alphess. He insisted that she allow them to place an Abraxas over our pack. That we could either accept this new ruler peacefully or they would either invade or challenge. Technically Sparrow is still the 'leader' but I'm certain it's a farce. The Abraxas are ruling in the shadows. My fellow pack members wish to fight against the Abraxas. Whether outright or through subterfuge but with our numbers so low we don't stand much of a change and I..."

He felt ashamed but he had to tell Aurielle the full story. "I will be honest with you I left Abaven. I've started a life with a woman I fell in love with and we are expecting pups any time now. We were both from nomadic traditions and wished to return to those. That said, I can't simply look away at what's happening, either. I told Regulus I would let him know if anything happened with Abaven."

had such elegant graffiti