
Lord cast your light upon us



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
06-16-2018, 08:04 PM
Her reaction surprised him. Clearly she'd heard of the Fallen God before. Perhaps their name and mission had spread faster in these lands than he'd thought they would. That thought pleased him. How long would it be before all knew their name and the name of the god who had made it all possible?

One of hers? Well, there was one fact that had gotten confused along the way. The Fallen God was male. "If you mean one of His," he corrected, "then yes, I am."

He didn't know what to make of her next softly spoken statement. Malleus certainly didn't know who her god might be. She'd said Uldormun; perhaps that was the name of her god. It didn't matter that much to him, really. Only one god mattered. All the others were inferior.

The woman's wariness didn't escape his notice. If she bolted he would pursue her; he couldn't allow such an exquisite creature to simply run off. He had too many unanswered questions right now. If she was the descendant of a god her blood would be priceless among the Abraxas. He would be remiss if he simply let her flee. Staying and talking to him was one thing; he was willing to respect her autonomy (for now) as long as they were more or less on the same level, but running was different. If she behaved like prey, he would treat her like prey.

Carefully to keep her in his peripheral, his gaze drifted to the heavens. Hopefully removing the weight of his gaze would lessen some of the tension she felt. "I don't know about you and your god, but I am pray." That was more or less a lie, but he could not - would not - share his worry with a stranger.

  "Malleus" - "Pascal"

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.