
I count the steps that you take...



8 Years
06-16-2018, 08:33 PM
Star had known it would take time to heal, but had never realized just how much slower winter made the process. A few days had passed since she returned home in a sorry state, in that time she had managed to make her fur look nice again and she was finding it easier to cope with reality. She didn't want to admit the entire ordeal had been just a tad too much for her to handle, and as a result, Stardust remained relatively quiet around the pack. Hell, she rarely came away from her den except to eat or drink or take the medicine that Hailey had given her. It was a relatively sunny day, a soft chill in the air from light breezes, and Star found herself sitting atop her den beneath her weeping willow tree.

She could feel the weather, but this time was different. Usually with winter came a rush of heat and flirtatious behavior toward her mate. Star wondered if it might have to do with her physical and mental state; if the witch that abducted her had messed with her body to the point where she couldn't do all she and Frost had planned. Perhaps, she was simply too old now. Funny, for the first time in months, she didn't feel old. There was an odd anxiety that followed her around, a fear that the dark woman would find her, would kill her. It was a ridiculous fear, she was protected here, she was loved here and safe. It was difficult to remember what safety felt like, but she did her best as she waited for Frost to return from yet another hunting trip.

He had been feeding her like crazy, and she felt as though she had gained at least five pounds in the four days she had been home. There was still an enormous amount of guilt that she felt for getting herself kidnapped, for being drugged, for being stupid. She needed to tell him the full details of what had happened to her, but as she started talking about it, she froze. The very thought process behind her experience prevented her from talking about it. Stardust knew she suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder, among other things, but she wasn't sure if she should make Hailey work harder than she had to.

All she could do was wait for the comforting presence of her mate and best friend, and try not to feel so insecure about her place in the pack.


The character you are currently reading is Stardust, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
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