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5 Years
Extra large
06-17-2018, 01:52 AM
Her daughter was preoccupied with a first failed attempt at a little hunt which was rather amusing to watch. Poor thing was no where near coordinated enough to be effective at any kind of hunting just yet, or even really walk a straight line without wobbling just a little. Luckily Seiran's soured mood was easily altered. Meanwhile Shilah wanted to see the 'coolest place' in the canyon. "There are plenty of cool places, but only a few places you can go while you're small, my dear." The time would come when they could freely wander the canyon and all it's many paths, but for now she preferred to keep the pesky little creatures where they couldn't get themselves hurt too easily.

As her son moved to peer down at the water Razi would seek to gently pull him back a few inches by his scruff. That mothering instinct was reasonably strong in her, already she could see disaster at every turn. "Not too close, I would prefer we develop a healthy respect for that river. Right now the weather keeps it low because of the dry season, but in time the rains will come and it will sometimes rise and even flood. We can visit it later today, but I don't want either of you going there unattended, okay?" They'd barely been out ten minutes and already Razi could tell she'd be doing a lot of talking, explaining, reprimanding and explaining the rules and conditions of their outing from the den. If she didn't have a sore throat later it would be a miracle. Guiding the children back from the water, she lead them along one of the paths to an outcropping above their den's entrance. A series of caves gaped open in the side of the canyon to her left, and to the right they could better overlook the river and see more of the surrounding canyon.

"These caves are okay for you to explore. You might find something interesting in there. The river has one spot we can go visit it at, over there," she said, gesturing to the spot where the river no longer abruptly cut down from the rock but rather gradually melted into the rock in a short strip of canyon 'beach'. "Going outside has rules, and while rules are not super fun they are to keep you safe so you will obey them. You will not be exploring paths steeper or higher than the one we are on now until I say you may, and you may not go to the river unattended. Lastly, you can only leave the den when I say and may only leave the areas where I can easily see you if there is an adult with you. Understood?"

With that out of the way, she asked, "Now, which spot would you like to explore today? Still the river?"
[Image: r4X4w1S.png?1]