
Got a key to the city and a street in my name



5 Years
Extra large
06-17-2018, 02:20 PM
"I am; I'm his aunt. I take it you are a member of the Risen Empire?" she asked, though it was more out of curtesy than because she needed the answer. The scents on Serene's pelt had Razi pretty certain she was a member, that or she spent a lot of time around the pack, but that somehow seemed less likely. "I am from Risen's sister pack, currently known as the Eclipse Empire although I'll soon be changing it to a new name now that it is under my rule. I'm thinking the Aurum Empire has a nice ring to it."

It wasn't too difficult of a climb since the ancient fire mountain had such a gradual slope, though she was careful to avoid any sharp looking volcanic rocks in the interest of not shredding her paws. Serene seemed rather interested in what she had to say about the volcano. It was a nice change to explain things to someone who could listen calmly instead of bouncing all over like her pups. "Hmm… I'm not terribly worried at the moment. When a volcano is preparing to become active the frequency of earthquakes around it will increase and they will become much stronger the closer to eruption it is. I figure that as long as I don't feel any minor quakes from the canyon we will be alright." It was half true, while she was certain it wouldn't become active just yet, she also hadn't come to investigate it before and hadn't known much about the neighboring landmark.

A vent shot steam just in front of Razi as she paused her walking, turning and adding, "I suppose if it did show signs though I wouldn't risk hanging around very long. I'd move my pack to safer lands long before eruption was imminent if at all possible. I try to not get lost in 'what ifs' though. It's not good for one to worry unnecessarily." Continuing her walking, she thanked her lucky stars and her Fallen ancestor that she hadn't actually been hit by that steam and walked the rest of the way up the slope at a brisk pace. When she reached the top she found herself gazing out at the most stunning lake she might have ever seen. Nestled in the crater where once lava flowed forth, the water glittered a lovely shade of blue that contrasted well with the black of the volcanic sand around it.
[Image: r4X4w1S.png?1]