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7 Years
06-17-2018, 06:14 PM (This post was last modified: 06-17-2018, 06:14 PM by Zinnia.)

She had stirred awake rather early today and no matter how hard she tried, she could not go back to sleep. It was a bit frustrating because she didn't want to go out because she would be the only one awake. Although what else would she do until it was the proper time for the pack to rise. She rose to her feet and trotted out of her cave den heading out into the canyon. With the dry season down here prey was easy to find and easy to scavenge so she was hoping to grab something to eat. She hadn't found the temperatures of Auster to be to bothersome especially with the lighter tones to her pelt. Although this season in general was bothersome to her. She had been avoiding social contact with the pack, keeping to herself and to her den. Although she was growing tired of the solitude and why hide? A pack was the safest place to be when your in season. Ash wouldn't tolerate anyone hurting her.

Moving around the female let her nose do most of work during the early hours and eventually came across a freshly dead Dik-dik. A perfect breakfast option and she dug in eating her fill. Then once she was finished she picked up the carcass and took it back towards the pack. Surely someone else would be hungry when they woke up. She dropped it off back near the main part of the pack before beginning to just wander around. She wandered for a while until the sun began to rise and her ears picked up the distant sounds of voices. Smiling she decided to be social and headed right towards the voices. She was pleasantly surprised when the forms came into view to see pups with Razi. Her and Razi had never had any personal social time, but Zin recognized her from pack meetings and being around the pack. She let out a light bark as she approached, making sure it was okay first. Then moved forward to meet them.

"Good morning!" she greeted with a smile.

"Zinnia Talk", & 'Zinnia Think"