
Got a name for you girls



7 Years
Athena I
06-20-2018, 10:47 PM

When she gestured toward him with her paw his gaze followed the motion to glance down at his own chest before he looked back up to her once again. This seemed to finally begin to put the puzzle pieces together for him. He somehow understood the meaning in this motion, that she was returning the compliment he had given her, but it wasn't really until she gestured with her mouth opening and closing and shaking her head that he really understood. His brows lifted with surprise, now understanding why she had been so silent. "Oooooh, you can't talk," he replied just to confirm his own understanding. He had never come across someone with that kind of disability so he wasn't quite sure what to make of it. He was very much a talker so he couldn't imagine always being quiet.

In the long run though he supposed it really didn't effect much other than how she communicated with other wolves. She still seemed healthy enough and capable of taking care of herself so it didn't bother him in the least. "Well then! I guess I better pull out all my best jokes, huh? Maybe even the bad ones. Plenty of quiet air to fill, huh?" he chuckled and gave a slight shrug of his shoulders. "Ah well, you'll just have to walk away or something when you get sick of me." All in jest of course. He'd like to think that he was pretty good company, but he'd also never had to take control of the conversation quite so much.

"Do you want to join me while I explore this place some more? I'm pretty sure I've just been walking in circles, but maybe there's just a few trees that all look the same."
