
here is where



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
06-21-2018, 07:51 PM

As selfish as Kai could be - perhaps more than most wolves, to be honest - he couldn't help but get joy out of seeing Daelos entertained by him. Especially once he was pretty damn sure he'd found the exact flower she was looking for. He was a natural at this, he had to be! While he'd just been ruminating over how terrible of an herbalist he was, he suddenly had a newfound eagerness for the subject, and he waited anxious for Daelos to join him and watch him gloat at his amazing find.

But she didn't respond the way he expected, sounding excited at first, but her joy slowly morphed into amusement as she got closer. Kai furrowed his brows in slight frustration as he realized she was laughing at him. Of course, it was all in good fun, but for a wolf so confident his ego was remarkably fragile, especially when it came to victories achieved for the purpose of impressing pretty women. He visibly deflated, his shoulders sagging and his brows furrowing slightly. "Hey, I tried!" Kai insisted firmly, though his frustration was more playful than anything, and that much was obvious by the mischievous glimmer in his eyes.

She tried to better explain how marigolds were different than these tulips, and he nodded. The petals were more wrinkly, and there were more of them. Got it. He supposed describing flowers wasn't the easiest thing, but it was made easier by comparing it to another different one. He tried to envision the differences, but it was harder than he expected. Yeah, even as he eyed these not-marigolds with that slight frown still tugging at the corners of his mouth. After a moment he was grinning again, chuckling softly at Daelos' distraught explanation. "Alright, let's move along. Perhaps with this newfound information I'll be of more use to you now!"

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