
Part the Waters



7 Years
07-07-2013, 08:03 PM

Surreal stood staring down at her home, which now looked rather different. It wasn?t the verdant green, that had quickly become familiar. It was the water. The rain had fallen non stop, and the boundary river had swollen, overflowing its banks and flowing out into the territory. Her family?s den was safe, as her mother had been very particular in the choice of den location. Even though it was underground, in a ravine that was six feet deep, it was located on a hill, and beyond the reach of the flooding. The little waterfall was now flowing down the raving, making exits and entrances rather wet, and driving Gabriel insane, but there was the choice of the path her mother and father had dug and carved that led out above the ravine.

Mother and Papa had instructed them all on safety and where to go should something like this happen. And she was very glad they had drilled the lessons into them. When the gurgling roar of a flash flood had sounded, Surreal had been able to get to high ground. Just in time, too. The water had crashed down the path she?d scrambled off of a second later. The lanky nine month old silver female had stared as branches and boulders tumbled down the path, and a tiny crumb of her innocence fell away with that water. Another stepping stone in life.

Surreal was shaken from her musings as Chrysanthe?s voice howled out to them all. She turned and started picking her way through the heavy rain, eyes carefully finding paw holds in the steep path side, and then she stopped and stared at the roiling flood water in front of her. The earth before her crumbled, and she back tracked swiftly, lanky legs tangling slightly before she did a roll back on her haunches and scrambled up the hill. She found a place that was well away from the water, and stared down through the rain, fur slate black from water logging. Was mother alright? Papa? Where was Gabriel, and Castiel, Lyric, and Arella?

?Oh? Darn.? Mismatched eyes watched carcasses tumble past on the flood currents. A deer that had been minding its own business, a racoon. No wolves, but she thought she saw one for a moment. A fox, as it turned out, still paddling weakly against the powerful water. They were swept from view. Death was no secret to her. They killed animals to eat, after all. However, she didn?t want to die yet, she had to become the great warrior. So she sat still, waiting for the water to die down, like her mother had taught her. Flash floods were quick, lethal, there and gone. But the problem here was that the rain wasn?t stopping. She was in for a long sit.

Finally, this occurred to her, and Surreal tipped her head back to howl for Chrysanthe. Her eldest sister was close by, she was sure of it.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.