
I'm the Fly in Your Soup

Reaper I


3 Years
06-23-2018, 02:23 AM
// The male was absorbing the heat from the spring around the geyser, completely content to stand away from the actual spout so that he was not at risk for getting wet. That way he could not risk hypothermia or anything of its like. He turned his head lazily as he studied the area with a cold indifference in those hard emerald eyes. A dark form slipped around the other side of the boiling tower, the young monster found his white paws moving, this was the first wolf to completely ignore his presence. Every other meeting had been instigated by the other party, but this one was different, and it piqued the beast's curiosity. How come the other wolf didn't want to talk by the geyser? Any other wolf would. Instead, this dark stranger decided to go out of her way to avoid him. Quickly, Reaper moved his paws to follow her, trailing along behind the wolf as she circled the hot spring. As she explored the area, Reaper took to studying her, and noting that the melted landscape in his view suited the stranger.

// It didn't take him long to simply lose interest in her looking about, and as a result, the male trotted along passed her. The gesture was almost an open admission of disinterest, as if the beast had thought of talking to her, then decided it wasn't worth his time. A derisive snort was given as he did so as if he really wanted to cement the idea that he had passed her up. His eyes moved forward and he looked around at the odd landscape the geyser had created. Half-melted ice hanging from boulders at the outer reaches of its warmth, then he moved out into an open part of the area, where the snow leveled out and was only about ankle deep. What would her reaction to him be? Would she still think he was unimportant, or would she be offended by his rude behavior? Most would take offense, but Reaper was oddly curious about the woman who seemed to ignore his presence completely. Most couldn't walk by him without looking or talking to him. Would this gesture even get her attention? Did he even really want it?

Reaper speaks, Your words, Walk, Think, Salem talks,
Reaper is only nice to the ones he claims as his own or allies, otherwise he is cruel and savage. Beware. This character comes with all the mature themes.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Reaper's profile!