
Thy Kingdom Come

Reaper I


3 Years
06-23-2018, 10:18 AM
// His words made her think, but only for a moment as she nudged his shoulder with reassuring gestures, as though he were the one who needed comfort. Those cold, dark green emeralds looked over her beautiful features, and there was the subtlest signs of softening within their depths. It was good to know that she understood she was safe, even if it meant she also knew she wasn't entirely safe from him. There would be days he would be hard as hell to live with, and she had just promised him to be there with him forever. His face was blank and expressionless, but faint lines around the corners of his lips revealed the barest ghost of a smile. He wasn't sure whether it was a weakness within her mind that made her want to truly be his, but the fact that she did made it not matter that much. I'm forever yours my dear and my Master. A masculine purr escaped him as the title of master left her sweet mouth, though in response to the romantic jargon she spewed, Reaper only offered the small token of advice that was needed, You are mine until death. The Reaper is kind to his wife, unless she misbehaves. It was as much as an admission of affection as she would bleed from him, tossing a violent promise in at the end to let her know just what she ws in for. It would be unfair to let her walk into his lair blind, wouldn't it? He was her guide in this life.

// So, as he allowed her to nuzzle and bury her face into the thickness of his ruff, Reaper nibbled along her neck and chest. He groomed her mystical grey and white form, making her presentable enough for his liking - which is to say, immaculate. She looked up at him, though she wisely avoided direct eye contact, and leaned her nose into his. It was a gesture he eagerly returned, gently touching her nose with his own as he lay over her. His father had been right, Boreas was the land meant for him. The colder climate of the North was perfect for his thick pelt and broad frame, and he had a female that was guaranteed to make fine cubs to support the empire he planned to build. While he was a naturally hot-blooded male, Reaper knew their day on the beach was drawing to an end. Thunderheads began to make themselves known with a rather ominous clashing of thunder, as the subsequent lightning flashed, Reaper looked down at the female who would one day be his queen, Follow me, rain is coming. He spoke plainly and moved to allow her to rise, then trotted briskly for shelter with his mate in tow. She would never be far from his sight, he would kill for her, fight and bleed for her now, she was his and they were going home.

-exit Reaper-

Reaper speaks, Your words, Walk, Think, Salem talks,
Reaper is only nice to the ones he claims as his own or allies, otherwise he is cruel and savage. Beware. This character comes with all the mature themes.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Reaper's profile!