
Got a key to the city and a street in my name



5 Years
06-23-2018, 11:32 AM
Serene Validis

She was his aunt! Ha! What were the chances of that? Her tail wagged happily upon hearing this, because she liked Malleus and liked the idea of getting to know his big family too. "Only recently, I had no idea they had a sister pack, but Aurum Empire will certainly thrive under Abraxas rule." This family was amazing, and every time she met a new member of it, they were powerful. Leaders. Malleus led the Risen Empire. He had a cousin ruling up north. Now his aunt ruled the sister pack. It made her wonder if their linage truly was bless by God, after all, how could they not be? It could not be by chance that so many of them were successful. Amber eyes watched carefully as they scaled the mountain, being careful in the footsteps she made and being sure to walk but a step behind Razi. The dark fae seemed like she knew where to go, so Serene would trust following her. She listened quietly as she spoke of the signs of a volcano erupting, and she found peace in knowing that at least the signs would be very obvious.

Steam suddenly shot out in front of the other woman, and Serene nearly yelped in surprised; her body jolted and halted in her movements, turning to Razi for guidance. There was something about this woman, a vibe she got from her being, like her soul vibrating through her skin... it drew the fawn woman closer. She felt strength, and courage, but also a gentler side. She was so focused on this feeling she nearly missed what Razi was talking about. But she caught the end tail of it and nodded."I suppose you're right." After that, they walked up the mountain quickly and when they came over the top, Serene was stunned. The top of this mountain was not the peak she had expected, but rather a dent, and in this dent was a beautifully stunning lake. Watching the way the blue waters glistened in the sunlight, it made her realize how thirsty she was. With out thinking much about it, fawn feet began walking down the slope towards the waters. She would only pause and turn to Razi with a curious gaze. "It's drinkable, right?"
