



5 Years
06-23-2018, 03:03 PM
Serene Validis

His smile made her own widen, liking that she could bring him some joy. She didn't know much about being an Alpha, but she figured finding time to smile, genuinely smile, was something they didn't come across often. But knowing she could at least do that for him, made her happy too. Hearing his offer to go herb hunting was surprising, because she honestly didn't think he had the time for it. Weren't there healers here that could do this for the pack? For Malleus? Or was that not something they did? She wasn't sure, and her confusion might have slipped onto her features for a split second, based on his next reaction. Amber eyes would watch quietly as Serene witnessed a mighty alpha begin to shake with uncertainty before her. Fawn crown tilted to the side with a small smirk at how he was quick to dismiss his own offer. Was he nervous? Why would he be nervous around her? Teasing whispers answered her own question, in the back of her mind, but she was quick to dismiss them with a shake of her head.

"Do you mean this?" She picked up one of her front paws caked in dirt from digging so furiously just moments ago. She chuckled and shook her head, gesturing back into the den with her head. "I was just trying to make the den feel more like a home. Digging in some shelves along the back wall." She paused for a moment before taking a few steps out of her den to stand before Malleus. "But those shelves will need some herbs to put on them. So I would love to go herb hunting with you." She would grin and playfully rub her shoulder with his own as she walked past, pausing a few feet behind him to make sure he would follow. In the back of her mind though, tiny voices wondered if this would count as a date? She had never been on one before, but based on what her mother had always told her, it sure sounded like the beginnings to one.
