
Behind the curtain



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
06-23-2018, 07:22 PM

The warmer weather in the Southern territories was beyond appealing to the healer. She stood out in stark contrast to the white, with the darker shades that adorned her body. More than that, one of her first experiences in the winter of Boreas had resulted in her near death, wet and freezing in the snow.

Crossing into Auster had been a harrowing idea, until she had adjusted to the thought of crossing the thin sandbar that connected the two lands. Moving further into the South she had discovered wonders, and beautiful sights. Today’s journey was proving to be the rule, not the exception, with a stunning waterfall entering her vision. The sweet smell of fresh water had guided her paws, and as she found the gentler pool the water ended in, she would lean forward and take a drink. The scent of fresh herbs would distract her once she had taken her full, and she would sniff around the edges of the water, taking samples here and there of herbs, some she did not recognise.

As she was walking, searching the ground, and distracted, she would find her nose touching stale air, an blinked up in surprise at the waterfall, was there a space, just beyond the flickering current? She plunged into the water, taken over by curiosity, and pushed past the curtain, and into a cavern. it was! amazed, she pulled herself back onto land and started to investigate the space. The sweet smell of sweetness touched her tongue and she licked experimentally at the sugar. She made a gentle sound of pleasure and the unexpected delightfulness that alighted on her tongue she used a paw to carefully scrap loose some crystals, and rolled them up in a leaf, tucking it into the blue ribbon tied about her forepaw. She could already think of some uses for this find. The sugar could help rouse a weekend wolf, or gain weight on an emaciated wolf.
