
Space Bound

Gargoyle I


07-07-2013, 08:30 PM

Saratoga Wood. Not long ago it had been nothing but a land of smoke, charred remains of trees sticking like spears in the lifeless ground. But with the passage of time, mother nature had begun to work her magic. There were patches at the edge of the land that were marginally habitable. Of course the first thing to come back was the grass, and then the begings of scrub. In such places like these blue cornflowers and purple larkspur popped up like weeds, adding a strange, surreal beauty to the land of ash spires. And where there was water there was always more vegetation. Gargoyle found himself following a stream, his paws keeping a muted baseline for it?s cheerful, babbling song. He had been in the Far North for so long. So, very long. It was high time he do a little exploring and get to know the other regions that his pack had recently become new neighbors to.

He gone about a mile or so more when he caught he scent of a fresh kill, and then, after it, wolf. Young. Female. Loner. The giant male was in a friendly enough mood this morning, and a bit hungry too (it took a lot of meat to keep a beast his size going) Perhaps a fellow stranger in these lands could give him a word of advice as to where he might hunt. ?. Or perhaps it was a rogue, lawless to the point of danger and looking for something other than rabbits blood to drench it?s jaws in. Gargoyle kept walking calm and collected. One got the feeling that, to the brute, it didn?t matter. "Morning stranger," he hailed simply as he came into view. It was a brown she-wolf with a white dorsal stripe. Pretty by any standard, but Gargoyle was more interested in the rabbit remains he noticed not far off. He fixed her with a yellow gaze so blank and casual it was almost cold. "Any more of those things hopping about?"