
The Few, The Proud, & The Emotional

Reaper I


3 Years
06-23-2018, 08:24 PM (This post was last modified: 06-27-2018, 07:47 PM by Reaper I.)
// It had been a week of slow travel, searching for the monochrome woman who had fled his grasp as soon as he shut his eyes to sleep. It hadn't taken long for her to show just who she really was, and if she could not handle a small bit of yelling then she needed to get the hell out of his way. He was riled and restless when he left the North, deciding that the woman had tainted the caverns for now. Maybe he shouldn't have grasped her so hard, but it wasn't his fault. He wouldn't dwell, though his mood remained remarkably dark as days passed. Now he stood on the outer edges of a volcanic plane that led up to the spewing furnace to hell. It was strange that he felt better here. There was a bit more warmth in the air from rivers of molten lava that ran out to collect in pools rimmed by cooled rocks. It was oddly satisfying to watch the lava turn black as it cooled against the snow that had managed to collect here. He wished to explore the area further, but he knew better.

// There was a strong pack presence in the area that made the young male cautious, despite his grumpy mindset. It was enough that the scents were nearly indistinguishable from one another, and an old instinct to be part of something warred with the need to dominate it. This was no idiot beast, however, he knew better than to pick on anything that belonged to a pack or even smelled that way. The younger part of him toed the line as he stared up at the volcano, his fur lit up with the bright rivers of lava that fingered their way through the small valley. He only noticed the glow from the rivers as the sun began to set against a blood-red sky. Reaper only let out a disgruntled sigh and lounged in the warmth that the lava flows gave off, waiting to be discovered so that he might learn more about the volcanic activity here.

Reaper speaks, Your words, Walk, Think, Salem talks,
Reaper is only nice to the ones he claims as his own or allies, otherwise he is cruel and savage. Beware. This character comes with all the mature themes.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Reaper's profile!