
Heave Ho, Thieves and Beggars



8 Years
Small species

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31KBeeventTreat 2019
06-24-2018, 06:17 PM
Bathed in shadows, Casanova sat up in the tree looking very much like an angry little gargoyle. That nasty little harpy was after something. She'd managed to play him, but her little victory was going to be short lived. Right now she was probably feeling pretty good about herself. Probably a little smug. Well, she needed to enjoy that feeling while she could, because soon enough she was going to be strapped to the back of a moose with a dart in her ass.

The little panda slunk from one branch to another and in doing so crossed into a different tree. He scanned his surroundings for any sight of her. Sooner or later she was bound to surface and when she did, he would be waiting.

Casanova unrolled one of his darts and gently clasped the feathered end of it in his teeth. He then pulled out the hollowed bamboo stick he'd been using as a dart gun, clasped it between his front paws and carefully threaded the pointy end of the dart into it. Instead of letting it go, he held it there and rested the opening of the tube against his lips. Doing that steadied the "gun" and made aiming easier.

The seconds ticked by in silence when all of a sudden there was a loud clang that just about scared the fur out of his hide. Casanova jumped and spun to face the source of the noise. In an instant there was another clatter as yet another object sailed through the trees. She might have thought she was being clever, but he caught on immediately. Ignoring where the objects landed, Casanova focused on finding out where they were coming from.

Ah HA! The shine of her earrings gave her away as she darted towards the cabin. He almost shot at her right then but realized at the last second there wasn't enough time to line up a good shot. Once she was inside he scooped up all of his things and raced through the trees until he was closer. He knew the cabin well so Casanova took up position where he could see both the window and the door. Those were her only options to exit so he would get her then.

He waited patiently with cold determination. Already he was thinking of the kind of work that would need to be done to fix this mess. The stash would have to be moved, that was for certain. He also needed to work on some traps to prevent this from happening again. And the wolf probably needed to die; news of the treasure couldn't get out.

And there she was! Boy was she fast! With practiced ease Casanova lined up a shot. He breathed in deeply, let go of the dart... and then blew as hard as he could. With no small amount of satisfaction he watched the dart sail through the air towards Echo...

Armando has a female tufted titmouse companion. It doesn't have a name because it's dumb and doesn't deserve one. Assume it's with him always.