
I count the steps that you take...



9 Years
Extra large
06-24-2018, 07:37 PM

He couldn't help but let a smile cross his black lips as she placed a lick to his head and thanked him for the meal. Despite his mixed emotions he was still extremely happy and grateful that she was home and by his side once more. He had missed her so much that it had been extremely hard on him during her absence. He even had to move out of the den to help himself sleep better at night. She had been always on his mind in the days she was gone and now that she was home it was one less thing to worry over. He didn't want to admit it, but he had been slacking on his duties, being greedy about being at her side. Of course she was still healing and should have someone available if she needed something. He wasn't sure what he would do when she was healed, but that was for later to think about.

He watched her eat noting that she seemed to have a slight better appetite then yesterday. Improvement was relief and happiness to him and hopefully soon she would be back to her self completely. As she cuddled closer he repositioned, wrapping his body around her, something he felt the need to do all the time now. He felt a lot more protective over her now, especially since she had been hurt in her absence. She removed a chunk of meat for him and he smiled gratefully taking it and eating beside her. For a while he ate in silence, enjoying her company and the meal he worked on. He was curious what happened to her, but he didn't want to push to try and find out, and part of him thought he may regret finding out what really happened.

Once he finished his section of meal he gave a content sigh and placed his head upon her shoulders, soaking in her scent.

"You feeling better today?" he quietly asked.

"Talk" & 'Think"

Art by Kanvos