
Winter Wares



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
06-24-2018, 08:52 PM

Walk | Talk

Her friendly howl was answered promptly by a sleek white wolf, that towered over her, she swore he nearly doubled her height, as she had to lift her head upwards to look at him, adding to the partly-submissive pose she already held, in acknowledgment of the ranked wolf. As a loner, she ‘ranked’ under anybody that would approach her from this pack, and her body language reflected that.

That wasn’t to say she looked like a meek, submissive wolf that was ready to duck her head and hide, it was simply a sign of respect. The cool blue of her pale eyes spoke of the back bone required in a healer, to get the job done no matter how hard it might be.

This alabaster stranger flicked back his ears, giving her the impression she had annoyed him. Trying not to feel like the unwanted fly on his lunch, she cleared her throat, and offered him a slight smile, dipping her head gently. “Greetings, honoured Torin” she did not know the meaning of his rank, but by the way he held himself, and his impressive stature, she guessed it indicated someone of importance.

“I am Riva, a healer passing through the unclaimed lands near by. I approached the borders of this pack because I have found myself in a predicament. Winter snuck up on me-” she was a yearling, as any who sniffed would be able to tell, and this was her first winter as an adult. Perhaps it was understandable that she had failed her preparations so terribly, but it didn’t make it any easier to bear. “-and I was unable to prepare for it adequately. There are herbs that will be of vital use in aiding wolves I might come across in need this winter, that I don’t have. If I might ask for a trade from your pack stores, I have come across some rare herbs that your pack might have need of in turn. In addition to that, as a pre-thanks for your time, I was able to catch these rabbits here” she nudged the rabbits before her with a paw. As a loner, she had to work extra hard to feed herself, and could only hope the show of effort on her part would smooth over the potential transaction she was asking for.

“in addition to that, I am happy to trade any knowledge I have, and if i’m ever in the neighborhood you and your pack can always call on my aid to assist in the healing of your wolves “ sometimes things could get bad enough for a healer to be run off their feet, or if their own healers were sick, they might need outside help. All of this was things she would always offer regardless, but she was more then happy for this stranger to know that.