
Little Darling Welcome To The Show


06-30-2018, 08:42 PM
The episodes of dissociation had not been frequent but they had definitely came and went after the first time Nova had bred with Dae. The female was trying to fight those feelings of falseness as she called them. They weren’t what she really felt, she was sure of it. They were feelings of the world fighting her, trying to take her happiness… something that Nova was going to fight for. The young woman always went to Dae whenever things felt weird or wrong… he’d become more a crutch for her. She relied on him heavily… and in many ways history was repeating itself. It was as they said -- like mother like daughter.

Nova had wandered away from their densite though, searching for Daemon as her reality felt like it was slipping. As she walked she second guessed some steps, as if she wasn’t walking on the earth. Was it really there? Was it not? Nova gave a soft whine, her red eyes glancing around. The trees, had she not brushed against one on occasion, would seem as though they were far away. Her mind wasn’t right… she came to a stop and shook her head back and forth, giving a frustrated growl.

“Stop it…” The female whispered. She was quiet for a long moment, at least til she heard the pawsteps of another. Her ears perked up at a sound, the noise sounding closer than she’d like. Her heart began to beat rapidly and the female spun, hoping to see Daemon.

...only it wasn’t Dae that she saw.