
[Nova] Im just feeding my appetite

Daemon I


3 Years
06-30-2018, 10:17 PM
She was in no pain that he could tell. His mismatched eyes connected to hers when she looked at him. He had no qualms with trying to produce children with her. He knew they were far from done though, likely they would be doing this many times over the winter. Either she conceived or she didn't, but it would not stop him from trying many times this season.

Her whisper had his ears perking. Though he had a moment where he thought she wanted more. Her words then put that to the back of his mind. She did her best to explain how it felt to breed with him. Then she was asking him about what they had just done and if it was part of her being a woman. He let her finished before he even began. "The pain will leave soon, it is merely that it was your first time, next time will likely hold more pleasure than you can imagine. As for why it soothed the fire inside, that is because in this season your body craves the touch of your husband, which is what I am to you. It is because this is your birth season, which is also your heat season. Your body is fully mature now, this is what you are feeling." he gave pause to let some of that sink in, though it was obvious that he still had more to say.

He pressed against her and placed a small kiss upon her brow. "What we did was breed, dear. Though you will likely feel the need to do so many times this season. And I will happily oblige you. Though this is merely a preamble to what can happen from this. From breeding we may become blessed with life, the life of children. Children in which I will gladly raise with you." he let that settle then. He would wage her reaction.

Daemon is not a nice man, beware when threading with him. He is volatile and perverse, ladies(and maybe some men) beware. His opinions do not reflect his players at all, I love any and all characters.

As his brother and closest companion, Nabis has permission to enter any and all threads he is part of regardless of tags.