
Blood, rain, and tears

Astraios I


2 Years
07-01-2018, 07:06 PM (This post was last modified: 07-01-2018, 07:06 PM by Astraios I.)

The cold wracked his body and he felt it like pain through his limbs, with each deep, shuddering and violent movement of his body. There was no warm left to him now, no trace that his mother had ever been alive. He knew if he looked into the blues of her eyes, he would see only a faded and milky white, the tones of death. He didn’t know how to cry, not like the mild sensation of stubbing his paw and crying out. That he understood, but this deep and wretched pain inside of him could not be expressed by tears alone, and so he kept his silence. He felt the pressure and pain inside of his skull, as icy as the weather that battered his tired body. He no longer knew the physical pain from the emotional, they all felt the same in the end, they both beat at him and bruised him.

He almost didn’t hear the voice that spoke above the rain, the sound of a true, living thing was wrong in this nightmare that his life had become. He lifted his head slowly, groggily, and took in the gold tipped wolf that looked down on him. She was a little taller than his mother had been in life, and the tones of her eyes lacked the vivid blue of his mothers. Yet, this woman was here, and his mother no longer was. He didn’t fully understand what she said. He didn’t know what a duat was, he wasn’t even sure what reeds were, but he knew that the woman was calling him away from his mother. He pushed free of the paw he had taken shelter under, and moved to his mother's face. He was ashamed to admit that he could not look into her dead eyes, could not carry that image in his soul.

Instead, he leaned forward, and pushed a goodbye kiss against the freezing, slick texture of her nose. There was no lingering in his movement, it was scarcely a butterfly kiss, and then he was turning from her, walking to the side of this stranger, without uttering a word, without ever looking back. There was no such thing as a past now. He understood that his mother was gone, he understood it in his head and in his soul, even if his heart was slow to catch up. There would be no resistance in him, as he allowed the woman to lead him away.



Astraios is broken, mostly mute, with a death wish