
There's a Snake In My Boot!


07-01-2018, 07:43 PM
Dust. Dust. Dust...and more dust. Her paws kicked up the dirt as she walked, sending clouds of dust and little pebbles everywhere. Honestly, this whole season had been so dry that she was having very little luck if any, finding herbs. She was irritated, not only at that but the fact that her brother had been gone for so long. She hadn't done much but mope around in the hopes that someone would give her something to do, but she finally decided that she would have to take the reigns on this one. Archon was out bossing around another pack, and how was her nephew doing? They were nearby, weren't they? Pausing in her mindless pacing, she turned and decided she was gonna go on an adventure of her own. Who knew, maybe she'd find some interesting things while she was out there. It would do her good to see what this mortal world had to offer, after all. If it had anything to offer, that is. But first, perhaps she ought to let Malleus know before she went riding off into the sunset. Tilting her head back, she sung for him, inviting him to join her for a little chat.