
Dawn in the World Unknown



6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
07-01-2018, 08:51 PM

Her senses were all hyperactive as she tried to take in everything around her. Most puppies would be carelessly zipping around without any tact. She on the other hand was careful, paid attention, and took her time. It was her form of coping with new things. She hadn't noticed the pack member that had been lurking near the den, nor that he trailed behind her, but when he closed the distance her hypersensitive ears were able to pick up the faint thuds of his large paws in the dirt. She at first assumed it to be her father, waking to find her missing and come to collect her. Though when the man strode along side her, her fiery eyes looked to the strange face. Deep voice boomed and large body hovered over her making an irritating shiver run up her spine. She slowed to a stop, calmly staring at him, studying him. He was a large wolf, much like her father, but he had a lot more markings on him compared to her father. She plopped down onto her rump, her nose taking in his scent. Something was similar in his scent that shared her father's. Was he an uncle? Who was this large male. She didn't fear him, but she didn't show a cocky personality that her brothers might have. Instead she considered his words, though she didn't realize these lands carried danger with them.

"Where is danger? You danger?" she asked.

She was still young so her sentences had words missing making her sound somewhat dumb, though she would become far from that. One on one with another wolf wasn't so bad, but she hated to go back to that unbearable pile that was her family in that den.

"Actaea Talk", & 'Actaea Think"